Real estate agent in Dresden - Services
We are your agent for the purchase, sale and marketing of real estate in Dresden and the surrounding area
Saxowert offers you exclusive service for everything to do with real estate. Our top priority is service. In the real estate sector in particular, there are numerous factors that are difficult for the layperson to understand.
What is the market value of my property? What are my financial options? How is the purchase contract processed? There are thousands of questions that we can help you with using our expertise as agents. We reliably analyze your personal situation and work out an individual solution with you. We create a free property valuation and market your property at the best price that can be achieved on the market. A fair evaluation, motivated employees and a modern marketing concept ensure the marketing process is fast.
Your property successfully marketed - house sale through brokers
Would you like to sell your house, apartment or property? We are your loyal partner for the successful brokerage of your property and achieve the best possible price for you. We offer you a careful valuation of your property as the basis for effective sales success. Our professional valuation gives you a realistic view of the real estate market in Dresden and shows you, as the seller, the market situation, specific price trends and potential buyers.
As in the rental sector, we create professional exposés with new floor plans after detailed data acquisition of the property, so that your property is presented in the best possible way. Comprehensive sales documents are the be-all and end-all to protect both contracting parties. We accompany you in the processing of the purchase contract and are of course at your side until the keys are handed over. We will inform you about our activities at all times.
We acquire real estate and land for our own portfolio
Sell your real estate to us. In order to constantly expand our real estate portfolio, we buy condominiums, apartment buildings, real estate packages and leftovers. We are looking for properties in Dresden and the surrounding area with potential, such as high-yield or partially renovated apartment buildings, which we modernize or renovate. We also acquire plots of land for individual real estate projects.
Benefit from our diverse real estate portfolio
Thanks to our targeted acquisition strategy, you have a large selection of real estate objects and condominiums that have already been divided up according to the land register. Are you looking for the right property as a capital investment for your real estate investment? We would like to help you. Our team, which is characterized by its know-how in notarial and insurance matters, is at your side with advice and action in close cooperation with our long-standing partners such as banks, insurance companies and brokers. Whether applying for financing, support in the preparation of the purchase contract or in discussions with property managers and tenants, etc. - we will clarify your questions!
We bring together what fits together
As a broker in Dresden, we have constantly expanded our professional and transparent real estate rental services. We will work with you to find the right rental property or the right tenant for you. We create meaningful exposés, conduct personal inspections, check the creditworthiness of prospective tenants and prepare rental contracts based on the latest case law. Any cosmetic repairs are carried out as quickly as possible to the satisfaction of both parties and the data is carefully recorded during acceptance and acceptance.
If, for example, there is a change of tenant after the purchase, we will also support you at this point in the search for interested parties and accompany you through the entire rental process.
Gehen Sie mit einem Immobilienmakler in Dresden auf Nummer sicher
Sie suchen ein neues Zuhause? Dann vertrauen Sie auf die kompetente Hilfe durch einen Immobilienmakler in Dresden. Viele Verbraucher schrecken noch immer vor dem Engagement eines Maklers zurück. Wir garantieren Ihnen als langjährige Immobilienmakler in Dresden kompetente und schnelle Hilfe bei allen Fragen rund um Ihre Immobilie. Dabei ist es unser Ziel, Käufer und Verkäufer möglichst schnell zusammenzubringen.
Unsere Leistungen im Überblick
Als Immobilienmakler in Dresden setzen wir uns mit unserem Team jeden Tag aufs Neue mit Immobilien auseinander. Wir verfügen in der Region über zahlreiche Kontakte und haben so oft sehr früh Zugriff auf neue Angebote, die auf dem Markt zunächst etabliert werden sollen. So können wir Ihnen rechtzeitig Zugang zu neuen Angeboten garantieren.
Wir übernehmen den Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie
Als Immobilienmakler in Dresden sind wir auch dann der richtige Ansprechpartner, wenn Sie Ihre Immobilie verkaufen möchten oder einen neuen Mieter suchen. Wir stehen hier von Anfang an mit Kompetenz zur Seite. Gern übernehmen wir den kompletten Verkaufsprozess und suchen für Sie nicht nur geeignete Interessen, sondern bereiten ebenso den abschließenden Notartermin sowie die saubere Objektübergabe vor. Nutzen Sie unsere Erfahrung und setzen Sie beim Immobilienverkauf auf Erfahrung, wo sie gebraucht wird.